Plus Ça Change (Plus C'est La Même Chose) : (사람·상황이 변한 것처럼 보여도) 근본적으로 변하는 것은 아니다, 근본적인 것은 그대로이다. 근본적인 것은 바뀐게 없다
The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same
very often for this idiom we just use Plus Ca Change
meaning of this, well I will give you an example, it's easier
the more things changes, the more they stay the same
this is one thing that I see all over in society. people changing things and saying that it's much much better but they don't deal with the real problems
it but they haven't done it and people in society still ahve the same problems and the same complaints.
this is the idea and normally in English, I would say Plus Ca Change
I am sure you've seen in many many many places
you have a new mayer and he promises to do lots of things, but there is no change
it's saying that every often people do things they change for the sake of change but they don't address the real problems
they don't try to address the things that people really care about
they are changing all sorts of things but nothing has actually changed in reality
they change everything but except for the bits which you actually want
they change all sorts of superficial things but the basic inherent problems haven't gone away
you go to your favorite website and it syas 'new imporved website' and you see they've changed the pictures and they've changed the color and they changed the words and then you try to log in and you have the same login problems that you've always had. Plus Ca Change
you have an election and you have a new government and governemt has promised to imporve the economy to decrease unemplyment and to give everybody extra holidays and then actually you find they don't do it or maybe they say they've done. plus ca change
they spend a lot of money on the police but crime is exactly the same. plus ca change
a couple that are having are always fighting so they go to a psychotherapist and they keep fighting about everything, plus
ca change. the more changes the more it's the same
the government has a new policy about education and schools but the problem is the kids are still getting as bad results as they were before
you move to a new office and it's really pretty office which is really nicely decorated but you still have the same computer problems you always had, plus ca change. nothing change in the end
this shop is under new management and they do exactly the same thing as before, nothing changes. plus ca change.
Formality : 6