REcreate : (과거에 존재하던 것을) 되살리다, 재현하다, 다시만들다
recreATION : 레크리에이션, 오락삼아 하는 일, 취미
recreATIONAL : 레크리에이션의, 오락의
REcreation, means to create something again
to make it happen again
to copy it
this model is a recreation of what existed here
he recreated the atmosphere
to duplicate
to replicate
to make something again
to make something that looks exactly similar
whereas, recreATION is leisure time
work, rest, and play. the play is bit recreATION
this ancient city looks really beautiful and it could be a recreational activitiy for tourists to come and see it
recreation, recreational
a recreational activity
recreation, spare time, whoopee, having fun
what is your favorite recreations?
do you think that shopping is a form of recreation?
recreational facility
the recreation ground, just a great big park
a recreation center, a place where you go to have fun
a recreational space, a space where you relax and do your hobbies
hobbies are a form of recreation
all of things can be recreational activities if that people have a fun when doing them
recreation is an essential part of living
time for recreation is absolutely essential for us
notice, to recreate, it's possible as a verb but it's very unusual
he recreates in doing, he enjoys doing that
Formality : 5 - 5.5 for to Recreate
Formality : 6 for recreATION