Consolidate : (세력 있는 위치·성공의 가능성 등을) 굳히다, 강화하다, 통합하다, 통합되다
to consolidate, to strengthen something
to make something stronger
we put more concrete around this in order to consolidate it
to make it more firm
to make it more solid
very often you can also use this with idea of to consolidate your position or to consolidate power
to strengthen your power or your superiority
my team scored a goal in the first 10 minutes and 10 minutes later they consolidated their position. they strengthen their position by scoring another goal
the company has a presence in this market and brought othe rsimilar companies to consolidataeits position in the market
you could consolidate your position by making allies
to strengthen, to make it more secure
the dictator consolidated his position by murdering all of his opponents
you can also use this consolidate, meaning to bring various things and put them all together into something that is more coherent
to unite into a single thing
the company had offices in various different places but now they've bought a large buiding and they've consolidated all of their offices into the one building
a tyrant is the definition where al of the power is consolidated into one single person
this word to consolidate is often used in finance and economics
maybe you've got accountancy for different things and you could consolidate these bring them all together into one account
maybe you have various debts in different places you owe money here and you owe money there, and you consoldiate these, you put it all together with one new lender
it's putting everything in the same place
it's adding sets of numbers to form a single amount or a single place, so this is bring together things that were separate
to bring together
to unite them
to marry them
to join them
Formality : 6.5