Concise : (원하던게 모드 들어있는/더이상의 추가설명이 필요없이 만족스럽게) 간결한, 축약된
Concisely : 간결하게
Conciseness / Concision : 간단, 간명
if something is concise, it says everything that nees to be said but in very few words
if something is concise, it's short and clear. but it doesn't have any extra words or extra details
concisect, brief and to the point, pithy, short and sweet, incisive
conocise, brief but it includes everything
it's got everything in it that you are liable to need
it's short and it's to the point and it's compressed
concise is quite positive
if you say something is concise, it' not long-winded and boring
it gets right to the point and it doesn't go around the houses
you could say something is brief but brief just say short, it doesn't says everything you need and it doesn't say that you're not using unnecessary words
you could have the word as well, terse i think says that it expresses in very few words but terse has this idea of brusque and rude, a bit short and quiet and not saying very much
when you are doing an exam, you should make your answers clear and concise
this book is a concise history of the church of England
the concise Oxford Learners Dictionary, it's got all the important words that you need to know
when you are writing, being concise is a very good thing
a dictionary should give a concise definition of a word
if you write a report for you boss, you should write it concisely
he should be impressed by its conciseness in that it includes everything he needs to know but it's short and easy for him to read
to make a concise statement
the spokesperson came out and made a concise statement
he concisely gave the information
the text is concise and informative
a clear and concise statement
if you are writing an essay, a clear concise essay is a very good thing to write
a concise summary of exactly what happend
the news when you read the news or listen to the news, it should be concise, it should tell you exactly what happend but without any extra words or extra things going on around the edge of it
stating a lot in very few words by removing everything that is supernumery
Formality : 6