Staccoto (소리가)짧고 날카로운, 스타카토음 같은, 스타카토의
this is both an adjective and an adverbs
this is a musical instruction
it's used to describe notes that are short and separate when played or this way of playing the musics
staccato also implies that there's a separation between the musical notes
staccato, a constant series of short sounds
he gave staccato replies to evey question
staccato, short crisp notes
abrupt sounds
drill sergeant gave the soldiers staccato commands
English is a much more staccato language
I've noticed that students from many different countries with many different native tongues, they tend to make most of the vowel sounds much longer than they should be
try to make you pronunciation or your enunciation of words in English much more staccato
I don't think you need a separation English sentence but the sounds themselves in each word need to be much more staccato
I hear students talking very often that in order to speak English well, you need as if you're playing a violin, but I don't think so, practicing in a staccato sound of each word is much more how you need to speak English
Formality : 6 - 6.5