Feisty : 거침없는, 혈기왕성한, 기백이 넘치는, 의지가 강한, 까칠한, 공격적인, 시비조의
somebody who is feisty is full of determination and they are active, lively
they don't just say yes yes what every you do, they are faithful they are right, they are very strong-willed
they don't give up easily
feisty is normally something that is positive there's somebody who is spirited, determined, and they've got guts
particularly somebody who is either relatively small in stature in physical size or somebody who is not very high up on the pecking order, they defend their position in a much more lively and aggressive way than you would expect from someone in that position
a feisty young man was arguging with the older generation
you say some of these feisty is tough, independent and spirited especially when you wouldn't expect them to be
at the age of 75, he was a still a feisty individual
fiery, spirited, active, bold, full of determination, very plucky, very spunky
self-reliant , resilient , full of energy and courage
they are going to maintain their intention and their path to this
he feistily suggested all sorts of new things that we could do
he is renowned for his feistiness
they are going to support their corner, they are tenacious
they are prepared to stand and fight both physically and verbally despite the fact that they are not very big in stature or they have some other disadvantage
you can also use this word in a negative way, calling somebody quarrelsome and aggressive but
Americans use it more llike that
they got drunk and one of them started to ge feisty and a fight ensued
somebody who is feisty, they're not going to roll over and just agree with you
Formality : 5