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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

527. Docket - Business English - Legal English - English Vocabulary

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 12. 6.

Docket : (포장 내용·배달 품목·작업 내용 등을 적은) 명세서, 꼬리표, (특정 법정에서 처리해야 할) 사건 목록, 사건 알림표, (회의의) 안건 목록, 의제목록




Docket, it's the documentation that goes with a consignment or with a package or a delivery driver

the courier brought me the parcel and got me to sign his docket. but nowadays this is something normally on a mobile phone or some sort of thing that's connected to internet 
he is delivering 200 types of yogurt to the supermarket, he will have a docket . it's some sort of labels or lists 
it's paperwork that goes with something
the accompanying paperwork
some sort of ticket or label to show its contents and to show how to use it 
when you take charge of the delivery, make sure that everything is on the docket. it's all listed
I think it's very much like a receipt
it's the paperwork that goes with something particularly that goes with a delivery or a consignment or a set of things in that are in transport
the bill of lading is normally a docket that shows everything that is being transported in a vehicle, in an airplane, on a turck, in a ship, in a cargo


in the U.S., a docket is a legal word
it's the list of cases for a law court waiting to be heard they are pending
there were 300 cases on the docket. on the docket of the court 300 cases waiting 



you could also probably use this word  document in American talking about a list of things to be done 
I am not sure in British English I would use it like this



Formality : 6






