Fugue : (음악)푸가, (의학) 해리성 둔주 (일종의 정서적 도피상태, 기억상실과 동반되어 일어나는 장애로서, 자신의 고유한 주체성(identity)에 대한 기억을 상실하고 자신의 과거에 대해 회상하지 못하며 일부 혹은 완전히 새로운 주체성을 갖는 것)
the word fugue, we use in two completelyl different fields.
firstly in the field of music and secondly in the field of psychology
a fugue, is a piece of music which has three basic tunes, three basic different melodies
there are played one after the other but they are repeated and they are played at different pictures and they are even played together as well
typically a fugue is written for an organ, these great bit organs that you find in the church
the organist played an organ fugue
it's a type of a piece of music
it's like a mixture of one tune after the other but they all go together
in psychiastry, we use this word fugue
it's a mental stage where your mind suddenly goes, it goes into a different place into a different situation
you lose all our concept of your previous life and you are suddenlly in a new situation or in a new personality
maybe you regress to a younger period in your life
you forget all of the other things that you've lived
you can achieve a fugue like state with psychedelic drugs as well
most often fugues are associated with childhood sexual abuse
it's also called a fugue state or a psychogenic view
psychological fugue
the girl went into a fugue state and she suddenly was a completely different person
I guess, you could also use this word fugue, for something in literature or poetry or painting that has a similar sturcture to a musical fugue
it's very elaborate in complexity and formalitiy
Formality : 5 in music
Formality : 6 for fugue state