Sibling : (부모를 공유하는) 형제, 자매, 동기, (서로 공통적 연대나 공통점을 가진) 것
Sibiling Rivalry : 형제간의 경쟁, 형제간의 대립
a sibling is a brother or a sister
how many sibilings do you have? how many brothers and sisters do you have?
he's got two brothers and one sister, he's got thress sibilings
all of my siblings are younger than me
it's a good word to say brothers and sisters but without defining whether theye are male or female
none of my siblings have got married yet
more techinically, siblings are people who share a parent
siblings, children that grow up together
very often there is sibiling rivalry between different brothers and sisters
there was always competitions and argument between them
sibling rivalry is a very common thing
notice, you can use this word sibling, to mean two things or more things that have common tie or common characteristics
I studies chemistry, I didn't study its siblings subjects like biology physics for example, they have common characteristics
he plays for the team and he is sibling members of the team, the other members of the team, that they have a common link
we are using it like brother or sister
siblings quite good because it avoids sex and it's politically correct
BP is an oil company and Shell is a sibling oil compnay
Formality : 5.5