Solitude : (특히 즐거운)고독
Solitary : (다른사람 없이)혼자 하는, 혼자 있는, 혼자있기를 좋아하는, (자기가 선택해서)혼자사는 사람, 은자
Seclusion : 고립, 호젓함, 은둔생활
Secluded : (시야에서 가려진) 외딴, 남들과 거의 접촉하지 않는
Seclude : (다른 사람들로부터) 은둔하다, 고립시키다
In Seclusion : 멀리 떨어져, 멀리 고립된
secluded, something that is secluded is hidden from view
it's somewhere where you can't see it, where people can't see it
it's private
a secluded place, this is a place that it nobody knows about, nobody can't see it
it's apart from other places
to seclude, to shut out, to keep out, to keep apart
to seclude, to put somewhere where you can't where you cna't see it
something that is secluded is a remote from other people
the result of being distant from other people means it's secluded
the house is secluded from the road by a large hedge, you can't actually see it
a seclulded beach, this is a beach that you can't see, that is out of the way, that people don't have access to or they can't see it very clearly
they are secluded put away from society, they are separated from the other prisoners
solitary, talks about the state of being along by yourself
solitary, a solitary place this is a lonely place where there is nobody else
I think solitude can be a good thing
the solitude of the deep countriside, so solitude in this case is pleasant and peaceful
I wandered in solitude along a deserted beach, there was nobody there
I think solitude, it also talks gives an idea of the feeling of being alone
if somebody is in solitude, they could be happy or sad about it
in a busy world, a little bit of solitude is very nice
solitary confinement, this where a prisoner is put in solitary confinement, they are put on their own and they don't have any interaction with outher people
Formality : 5.5 for solitary
Formallity : 6 for secluded