Violate : (법/합의 등을)위반하다,어기다, (권리/평화/사생활등) 침해하다, (신성하거나 특별한 장소를)더럽히다, 훼손하다, 모독하다, 성폭행하다, 강간하다
Violation : 위반, 침해, 신성모독
Violate, means to break a law, an aggrement, a principle, or something that should be treated with respect
to violate a code of ethics
to violate a ceasefire
to effectively to break a law, a code
to violate the law
to disregard the law
you can go to prison for breaking or violating the law
you could violated a promise, not follow it
you can also use this to violate, meaning to enter with force into a place or situation where you are not wanted where you
don't have the right to be
you could violate somebody's privacy
the press were violating her privacy
you could violate the territorial waters of another nation
many people say that when their homes are burgled, they feel that their house and their privacy has been violated
this is a violation of human rights
to invade
to infringe
to disturb
to upset
you can also use this, to mean to rape
to abuse sexually, although I think this use is rather formal
you can also use this to violate, metaphorically as well
they treated me are roughly that I felt violated
to fail to show proper respect for something that should be treated in holy way
to violate the sanctity of a holy place
to interrupt
to disturb
to violate the peaceful atmosphere
you could violate somebody's grave where somebody has been buried
to desecrate
to defile
to profane
this is sacrilegious
a violation
this is a violation of our contract
a contravention
an infringement
an infraction
a transgression
a breach of a contract
an abuse of
the desecration of something
the interruption of something
the disturbance of something
Formality : 6 - 6.5