As Per : (이미 결정된) ~에 따라
As Per Usual : (낮은 기대감과 실망스러운 듯) 으레 그렇듯, 여느 때와 같이, 평소대로
As per, means according to, in accordance with, consistent with
As per is preposition
I have enclosed the things that you asked for are wrapped in bubble paper as per your instructions
according to your instructions
as per, according to
as per your instructions
as per your request
as per a particular plan
as per your suggesiton
as per the eagreement I send you a check
as per the guidelines
as per specifications
following the instructions
as per the terms of a particular contract
in accordance with
notice, as per, you could just write ' per '
I sent him the money per instructions
you cuold use that but I think I prefere as per, it's more normal
As per usual, this says is what you expect, as usual
As per usual is an adverb
he arrived last as per usual
this is what you expect
I lent him some money and as per usual he didn't pay me back
his essay was the best of the class as per ususal
this is what normally happens but maybe you're a bit disappolited by it
but expressing maby a bit of disappointment that things haven't changed, things are exactlly the same as they ever were
he turned up without any money as per usual and he didnt buy his round as per usual
what normally happens
as normally
as you might expect
he arrived early as per usual
Formality : 6 for as per
Formality : 4 for as per usual