Segregate : (사람들을 인종·종교·성별에 따라)분리하다, 차별하다, 구분하다, 떼어놓다
Segregation : (사람들을 인종·종교·성별에 따라) 분리, 차별 정책, 구분, 분리
Segregated : 분리된, 격리된, 갈라진, 인종차별을 하는, 분리주의 정책을 쓰는
to segregate, to keep one thing separate from another
to keep different things apart
it's kept apart
it's kept separate
particularly, talks about keeping different grouops of people apart based on religion, race, sex, origin
to segregate, to set apart from each other
to isolate from each other
to divide
to separate one group from the other
segregation, the act of separating things apart
separating people into different groups
to discriminate against
to separate
segregation, apartheid or a forms of racial segregation
to set apart
to separate out
in a hospital, infectious disease ward is segregated from the rest of the hospital
the king fought against segregation in Amerian society
many schools less nowadays are segregated, there is one school for boys and one school for girls
the boys and the girls are segregated
in south Africa, apartheid was an official policy of racial segregation
segregation of our high performance children into their own class, it may teach them alot academically but they end up failing to learn to live in soceity
in the past, in the southern united states, there was segregated seating in buses, blacks and whites could only sat in different places
at the swimming pool, sexes were segregated, there one part for women and one part for men
the changing rooms are still segregated
Formality : 6 - 6.5