Averse : ~을 싫어하는, ~을 반대하는, ~을 혐오하는
Averse to : ~을 싫어하는
Be not averse to : ~을 좋아한다, ~을 싫어하지 않는다
Aversely : 싫어하여, 꺼려서
Aversion : 아주 싫어함, 혐오함
Averse, meaning yo strongly dislike something
you are strongly opposed to it
I am averse to people who are dishonest, I strongly dislike
I am averse to low quality soap operas on television, I really don't like them
in finance, most investors are risk-averse, they are strongly opposed to taking a lot of risk
a risk-averse investment strategy
If you are averse to something, you loathe it, you really dislike it, you are strongly opposed to it
having a strong dislike for something
he has an aversion to this
not willing
inclined to opposed somthing
to feel repugnance or our opposition to something
to loathe
I am averse to getting up very early in the morning
I am averse to listening to long boring speeches
I guess humanity as a race, we are generally averse to change, we are against change, we don't like it, it is called resistance to change
in opposition to something
I am averse to very hot weather
I am averse to this idea, I dislike this idea
I am not averse to this idea, I support it I think it's a good thing
it's very common to sue this in the negative, to say that you like something
I am not averse to having a couple of whiskeys before I go to bed
people are not averse to the idea of an extra holidays
politicians are not averse to publicity
any star is not averse to publicity
most politicians are not averse to lying
but notice, dont' conofuse averse with 'adverse', which talks about something that is negative, harmful
adverse publicity is not so good, negative publicity is not so good
Formality : 6