Discard : (쓸모없거나/불필요하거나/닳았거나/잘못된 것을) 버리다, 폐기하다, (카드게임에서 불필요 없는 카드를)버리다, 버린패, 버린 것, 버린 사람
to discard, to get rid of something, because you don't want it anymore and because it's useless and worn out
things that had been got rid of
if you discard something, you get rid of it, because you don't want it any longer
you could also discard an idea or discard a suggestion becuase you don't want it
effectively to throw out a card
to discard, to not use something any more
to dismiss
to dispose of
to eliminate
to throw away
to get rid of
to discard something that is no longer needed
you cast it aside
you could discard, you can discard a physical object
but you can discard a habit or discard a way of life or dis card somehting that you don't think is a good idea
he discarded the idea, he rejected the idea
it's like to act something to scrap
to let it go
the street was full of discarded cigarette butts and empty cartons
the river was full of discarded tires and things like that
you can physically discard something, throw away, you should read the instructions on the box before discarding it
when the company fired me, I felt discarded, having given them many years good work
I have got four possiblities here, but I am going to discard this one becuase it's not suitable
I need to discard these empty bottles to throw them away
maybe I discard an option
discarded food containers
littered the street they were everywhere
cut the melon open and discard the seeds
if you recycle then you are you normally try to make use of things that people have discarded
notice, I think to throw away is more just for physical things, you throw something away in the bin
but you can discard a habit or discard a way of life or dis card somehting that you don't think is a good idea
Formality : 5 - 5.5