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Actor Kim Rae-won sees bigger picture with 'Decibel' - 배우 김래원, 영화 '데시벨’에서 큰 그림 그려

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 11. 17.



Actor Kim Rae-won sees bigger picture with 'Decibel'

Actor Kim Rae-won said he has begun to think about the bigger picture 배우 김래원, 더 큰 그림도 보기 시작해



Actor Kim Rae-won said he has begun to think about the bigger picture instead of focusing solely on his roles when working on a series or film. The actor, who has delivered many unforgettable performances since debuting in 1997 in the MBC drama "Me," reflected on how his approach to acting has changed over 25 years.
배우 김래원은 영화나 드라마를 촬영할 때 본인의 역할에만 집중하는 대신 더 큰 그림도 보기 시작했다고 전했다. 1997년 MBC 드라마 ‘나'로 데뷔한 이후 잊지 못할 연기를 해온 이 배우는 지난 25년 동안 자신이 연기에 접근하는 방식이 어떻게 바뀌었는지 돌아보았다.


see a big picture 큰 그림을 보다

big picture = overall view = large picture 큰 그림, 전체적인 상황, 전반적인 모습, (복잡한 문제에 대한) 전체상, 대국관

decibel 데시벨 (음의 세기를 나타내는 단위)

pitch (음을 특정한 높이로)내다

high-pitched 음조가 높은, 긴장된, 격한, 높은 목소리의

low-pitched 음조가 낮은, 낮은 목소리의

focus solely on ~에만 집중하다

solely = only = alone = exclusively = nothing but = merely = all 오직, 단지, 오로지, 단독으로

work on ~에 노력을 들이다, 착수하다, ~에 공을 들이다

deliver a performance = give a performance = put on a performance 공연하다, 연주하다, 연기하다

unforgettable = memorable = incredible = unbelievable (보통 너무 아름답거나 재미있거나 해서) 잊지못할, 잊을 수 없는

debut 데뷔, 첫출연, 첫 출연

reflect on = look back on = introspect ~을 반성하다, ~을 되돌아 보다

self-reflection = introspection = self-examination 내성, 자기성찰, 자기반성, 자기진단

approach to ~에 대한 접근법


"I think way back when I was starting out, I had a desire to stand out as the lead actor. More recently, however, I have been thinking about how I should act out my character considering the entire storyline. For this film, I put much emphasis on understanding the flow, tension and plot," he said during an interview with The Korea Times at a cafe in Seoul, Wednesday, ahead of the release of his latest film, "Decibel."
수요일 그의 최신작 ‘데시벨'의 개봉을 앞두고 카페에서 진행된 코리아타임스와의 인터뷰에서 "처음에는 주연 배우로서 두각을 나타내고 싶다는 욕심이 있었다. 그러나, 최근에는 스토리 전체를 고려해서 내 역할을 어떻게 연기해야 할지 고민하고 있다. 이 영화를 위해 극의 흐름, 긴장감과 줄거리를 이해하는 것에 중점을 두었다"고 전했다.


way back in[when] 오래전

start out (특정 사업/일)시작하다, 처음에 ~하려 하다

have a desire 욕구를 느끼다, ~을 간절히 원하다

stand out as = be conspicuous = be outstanding = stick out ~로서 눈에 띄다, 두드러지다, 돋보이다

remarkable = noticeable = prominent = conspicuous = striking = outstanding = marked = distinct = exceptional 두드러진, 눈에 띄는, 현저한

standout (무리 중에서) 아주 뛰어난사람, 눈에 띄는것

linchpin (조직·계획 등의) 핵심이 되는 인물, 핵심이 되는것

act out 거행하다, (연극하듯)실연해 보이다, ~의 처지가 되다, ~의 신세가 되다

entire = whole 전체의, 온, 온전한

storyline = plot 줄거리, 구성

put an emphasis on = stress = emphasize = underscore = underline = accentuate = play up = highlight = accent 강조하다, 중점을 두다

ahead of = in the face of = in the lead up to ~을 앞두고

in the run up to ~을 준비하는 데 있어서, ~을 준비하면서, ~까지의 준비기간 동안에


Kim said that for this film, he put much emphasis on understanding the flow, tension and plot.
김 배우는 이 영화를 위해 극의 흐름, 긴장감과 줄거리를 이해하는 것에 중점을 두었다고 전했다.


be quoted as saying that ~라 말한 것으로 전해지다

put an emphasis on = stress = emphasize = underscore = underline = accentuate = play up = highlight = accent 강조하다, 중점을 두다

flow 흐름, 이동

tension 긴장상태, 긴장, 갈등, 팽팽하게 하다

tense = uptight = nervous = jittery = nerve-racking = nerve-wracking = jumpy = agitate = high-strung = uneasy = anxious 긴장한, 불안해하는, 조마조마하는, 초조해하는

plot = storyline 줄거리, 구성


"Even though it was a nerve-racking day of shooting for me, I would monitor my costars' acting. Studying their performances also helped me bring out a genuine emotional reaction."
"비록 촬영하는 날은 늘 긴장되었지만 동료 배우들의 연기를 관찰했다. 이들의 연기를 연구하는 것도 진실한 감정 연기를 이끌어내는 데 도움이 되었다."


nerve-racking = nerve-wracking = tense = uptight = nervous = jittery = jumpy = agitate = high-strung = uneasy = anxious 긴장한, 불안해하는, 조마조마하는, 초조해하는

mornitor = screen = observe = keep one's eye on = keep a watch on = keep a beady eye on 모니터하다, 감시하다, 지켜보다

costar (주연급으로) 함께 공연한 배우, 공동 주연, 함께 공연하다, 공동 주연을 맡다

bring out ~을 끌어내다, ~을 발휘하다, ~을 발표하다, 출간하다

genuine = true = earnest = heartfelt = sincere 진심어린, 진짜의, 진정한emotional reaction 감정반응, 정서반응emotional = emotive = sentimental 정서의, 감정의, 감정을 자극하는


In "Decibel," written and directed by Hwang In-ho, Kim plays former Navy lieutenant colonel Do-young who gets a call from a mysterious person who threatens to have planted bombs in several crowded places.
황인호 감독이 각본 및 제작을 맡은 영화 데시벨에서 김 배우는 많은 사람들이 모인 장소에 폭탄을 설치했다는 협박 전화를 받는 전직 해군 부함장 ‘도영'으로 등장한다.


play = portray = personate = perform = act 연기하다, 역을 맡아서 연기하다

lieutenant colonel (미국 육군·공군, 영국 육군의) 중령

lieutenant commander (해군의)소령

mysterious = enigmatic = stange = uncanny = incomprehensible 이해하기 힘든, 이상한, 불가사의한

threaten = menace = intimidate = blackmail = make a threat 겁을주다, 위협하다, 협박하다, 으름장을 놓다

plant a bomb = set up a bomb 폭탄을 설치하다

in a crowded place 사람이 많은 곳에서, 사람이 붐비는 곳에서


As Do-young tries to stop bomb attacks that explode when the noise level reaches a certain amount of decibels, the character's backstory and his relationship with the terrorist are revealed.
소음 정도가 특정 데시벨에 도달하면 폭발하는 폭탄 테러를 막기 위해 노력하는 과정에서 도영의 뒷이야기와 테러리스트와의 관계가 드러난다.


bomb attack 폭탄 공격

a barrage of attacks 공격 세례, 공격 엄호 사격

explode = go off = burst = detonate = gush out = blow up = break forth 폭발하다

noise level 소음 수준, 잡음 수준

a certain amount of 일정 정도의, 어느 정도의, 특정한 양의

backstroy 영화·소설 등의) 배경이 되는 내용, 이야기

reveal = disclose = unfold = unseal = release = open = lay bare = lay often 드러나다, 공개하다


Kim is onscreen for nearly every frame. He did all of the action ― the car chases, jumping off high-rise buildings, diving into water and fighting ― instead of using stunt doubles. And ultimately, it proved to be rewarding for him.
김 배우는 거의 모든 장면에 등장한다. 그는 카 체이싱, 높은 건물에서 뛰어내리기, 물에 빠지거나 싸우는 장면 등을 스턴트 배우 없이 스스로 해냈다. 그리고 궁극적으로, 이는 그에게 보람을 느끼게 해 주었다.


onscreen (컴퓨터/화면/영화)화면의, 영화에서의

off-screen (영화에서가 아닌)화면밖의, 실생활에서의

nearly = almost = practically = virtually 거의, 사실상

car chase 자동차 추격, 카 체이싱

jump off ~에서 뛰어내리다

high-rise building = the high-rise = tower block = multi-story building 고층 건물

dive into ~로 뛰어 들다

stunt double = stunt man = stunt woman = stand-in = understudy = body double 대역, 대역배우

ultimately = eventually = finally = lastly = after all = in the end = in the long run 궁극적으로, 결국, 근본적으로

rewarding = valuable = worthy = beneficial = advantageous 보람있는, 유익한, 이익이 되는, 가치있는

profitable = lucrative = rewarding 돈이 되는, 수익성이 좋은, 돈을 많으 버는


"I'm very detail-oriented and I try hard, in a way that can be seen as almost destructive. I decided to perform the scenes myself to deliver the authentic emotions of the character better," he said.
그는 "나는 매우 꼼꼼하고 자기파괴적이라 보여질 정도로 열심히 노력한다. 등장인물의 진정한 감정을 더 잘 전달하기 위해 직접 그 장면들을 연기하기로 결정했다"고 덧붙였다.


detail-oriented = anal-retentive = scrupulous = throughgoing = meticulous = careful = fastidious 세심한, 꼼꼼한, 철저한

in a way that = to such an extent that = as much as ~할 정도로, ~할 만큼

self-destructive = suicidal 자기 파괴적인

authentic = genuine = realistic = real = true = convincing 진짜의, 확실한, 실감나는


Kim also talked about starring alongside actors Lee Jong-suk and Cha Eun-woo of K-pop band Astro, who is making his big screen debut.
김 배우는 함께 출연한 배우 이종석과 영화배우로 데뷔한 K팝 그룹 아스트로 출신 차은우에 대해 이야기했다.


star (영화연극 등에서) 주역을 맡다, 주연을 맡다, 주역을 맡기다, 주연을 밑기다

alongside = together with = in company with = along with = in parallel = in tandem with ~와 함께, ~와 동시에, ~와 나란히

make a debut (정계·연예계 등에) 뛰어 들다, 데뷔하다, 첫선을 보이다, ~에 등단하다

big screen 영화, 큰 화면

small screen (영화와 대조되는) 텔레비젼


"Although I'm a more experienced actor, I'm extremely careful about commenting on others regarding their acting. While shooting together, Jong-suk came up to me and asked for my opinion about his acting in a certain scene. It seemed like he wanted to do it again. So I gave him my advice. On the second try, he acted more flexibly," he said.
"비록 나는 더 경험이 많은 배우이지만, 다른 이들의 연기에 관해 언급하는 것에 매우 신중하다. 함께 촬영하던 중에 종석이가 다가와 특정 장면의 연기에 대해 내 의견을 물었다. 그는 다시 촬영하고 싶어하는 것처럼 보였다. 그래서 내 조언을 전달했다. 두 번째 촬영에서 그는 더 유연하게 연기했다"고 전했다.


experienced = veteran = skillful = skilled = seasoned = practiced = well-tried = weather-beaten = consummate 노련한, 능숙한, 경험이 많은

extremely = greatly = significantly = in the extreme = to an extreme = strongly = potently 극도로, 강력하게, 엄청나게

conmmet = utter = remark = mention = refer = note = observe = state 언급하다, 발언하다, 말하다, 논병을 말하다

come up to = approach = reach ~에 다가가다, ~에 이르다

ask for = request = require = call for = call on = demand = need = want 요청하다, 요구하다

give advice = offer advice 충고하다, 조언하다

flexibly = smoothly = swimmingly = well = harmoniously = favorably = satisfactorily = fine 유연하게, 융통성 있게, 잘


Of Cha, he said, "I think Eun-woo first joined the project lightheartedly, but then realized that this is not a joke. He's done his part so well," he said.
김 배우는 차은우에 대해 "처음에는 은우가 가벼운 마음으로 촬영에 임했다고 생각했지만 시간이 지날수록 장난이 아니라는 것을 깨달았다. 은우는 자신의 역할을 너무 잘 해냈다"고 덧붙였다.


lightheartedly 명랑하게, 가벼운 마음으로, 걱정없이

realize = be aware of = percieve = recognize = sense = find = become concious of 깨닫다, 자각하다, 인지하다

not a joke 장난이 아닌, 진담인, 농담이 아닌

do well 잘하다, 해내다, 성공하다








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Korea Times Weekly




