Fish or Cut Bait : 할건지 말건지 시간낭지 하지 말고 정해라, 태도를 분명히 하다, 어느 쪽인지 정하다
either commit yourself or step aside and stop wasting time
Are you going to buy it yes or no, fish or cut bait ? buy it or go away
there is another version of this, shit or get off the pot, somebody else will use the toilet
you are responsible for this problem , you've got to sort it out and there are certain employee that are causing this problem, so fish or cut bait , sack them or forget about being manager
Formality : 3.5
Formality : 2.5 for (shit or get off the pot)
Fish Out : (~에서) ~을 꺼내다, 빼내다, 건지다, 물고기가 없다, 남은 물고기가 없다
a phrasal verb with fish
to fish out, this is to pull something out of a container or out of water as if by fishing
you dropped your keys in the toilet, well I am not going to fish them out for you
to extract something from a place
you could also use this, to retrieve something from inside something else
he fished a dirty hankerchief out of his pocket
he fisehd a few coins out of his back
you could also use this, to empy something of fish, stocks of this fish are very very low because it's been fished out, there is overfhishing and you are not going to catch anything here, it's been fished out, there are very few fish left
Formality : 4
Plenty of Fish : 많은 기회, 많은 가능성
there are plenty more fish in the sea : 더 많은 기회[가능상/사람]이 있다
there are plenty of other fish in the sea : 다른 더 많은 기회[가능성/사람]이 있다
something that said a romantic relation finishes
Come on Alex, there are plenty of other fish in the sea , there are lots of other nice women out there who will like you
I am reallly sorry you didn't get the job but there are plenty of other fish in the sea, there are lots of other choices, don't be so depressed
Formality : 4
Fish for a Compliment : 칭찬 듣고 싶어 하다, 칭찬 받고 싶어 하다, 엎드려 절받기
this is typically try to get somebody to say somoething nice about you
typically this is done by saying negative things about yourself
i am not a very good cook but here you are, you are fishing for a compliment
when he showed me his new suit and started acting like a model in it, I knew he was fishing for a compliment
there is no need to fish for a compliment, I know you are a smart, intelligent guy
Formality : 4.5
What's that got to do with the price of fish? : (수사의문/반문적 의문) 그게 무슨 상관인데?
this is a rhetorical question that ask when somebody says something irreevant or what they say is just it doesn't make sense, it's a complete non-sequitur
I think this phrhase is very very British
you are saying it's not relevant to what we are talking about
it's being sarcastic
Formality : 4