lie low : 숨다, 잠복하다, 남 눈에 띄지 않도록 하다, 남의 눈에 남의 시선을 끌지 않도록 하다
lie lay lain
lay low : (부상·병으로) ~를 몸저 눕게 만들다,거동을 못하게 만들다, 사람을 때려눕히다,땅에 쓰러뜨리다, 패배시키다
lay laid laid
lie low
to lie low means to hide, to conceal oneself
the criminals lay low after the robbery and this is where the problem comes
the problem is between lie-lay-lain and lay-laid-laid
the criminals want to lie low, they wnat to hide
my mum was really angry with me and I want to lie low
as she was angry with me i lay low (past of lie), I did and this is where the problem comes and notice the use for the forms of past
I lay low is the past of to lie low, that is the basis of the problem
if you are lying low, you are trying not to draw attention to yourself, to hold up , to hide, to lurk
after the police arrested his friends, he decided to lie low for a few weeks and let the problem blow over
there is a lot of persecution, so the family decided to lie low
because of the persecution they lay low and remained hidden
they have lain low for many weeks now
but good luck wiht this one, you will hear native speakers use this one wrongly
lay low
to lay low means to be ill with something
to be unable to do what you want to do
to be knocked to the Earth
to lay somebody low, it's unable to act
to overcome, to cause, to fall
he was laid low with Covid, he was in bed and he was ill
the robber was laid low by a punch from the security guard
to make to fall
I wonder if the current British prime minister is going to be laid low by her change in policy
to lay somebody low to cause somebody to be unable to do what they usually do
an infection laid him low
it's very possible that inflation is going to lay low our economy
inflation laid our economy low
our economy has been laid low by inflation
the tree was laid low by the storm, knocked over, knocked to the Earth