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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

305. Heretofore - Formal English - CPE Vocabulary

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 10. 12.

Heretofore : 지금까지는, 이전에는,  과거부터 지금까지는

Hitherto : 지금까지, 그때까지


the opposit of this

Hereafter (Hereinafter) : 이후로, 장차, 이후로, 이후내용에서, 사후세계, 내세

Henceforth (henceforward) : 이후로(죽)


Heretofore, all one word, this is really really formal word

meaning is up to now, before now

you can only see this onely in a legal document or in something like a royal proclamation

you can also say, Hitherto - up to this point

befor now

from the beginning up to this point

maybe a legal document wherer you change your name

John Simmons heretofore known as Michael Sonesn

up until now

up until present moment in time

from the past up to now

the disease that heretofore are incurable, now are curable

the new invention has opened up possibilities that heretoforth were unimaginable 

the contract heretoforte called the deal between two parties

you can use this as well saying the " former" 

the new prime nimister was appointed probably about a month ago, heretofore the prime minister was Boris Johnson



Formality : 10





