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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

302. Obverse - CPE Vocabulary - Formal English Vocabulary

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 10. 11.

Obverse : (보는 사람 방향으로)마주보는, 마주하는, 반대, 정반대되늰 것, (동전/메달 등의)앞면, 메인면, (두가지 선택가능 한 것중) 두드러진것, 일반적인 사람들이 보편적으로 생각할수 있는것[선택할 수있는것]

Obversely : 반대로, 반대적으로, 두드러지게, 표면을 드러내어



I think people very often use wrongly..

as an adjective, it talks about the side of something that is facing you, the side that you see

obverse side is the front that is towards you

the side facing or trun towards the observer



as an noun, with an opposite type of meaning

the other side of something

the other side of an argument

the counterpart of something

the opposite of something

the obverse of good is bad

the rise of this company and then the obverse, the fall of the company

the obverse of happiness is sadness

in logic, if all men are human then the obverse is no man that is inuman 

if all cats are black, and then no cat is not black as the obverse

all men are mortal, no man is importal 

the obverse of an idea, the opposite of an idea

the obverse of yang is yin

in botany as well, it can be used to explain the leaf shapes



Notice, they very often use this word about coins 

the obverse of a coin is the main design, normally where the head of the king or the emperor

the main design or part for the stamp, or something of a coin or a medal or a badge, not the back, the frote



you can also use this obverse,

more conspicuous of two possible alternatives, the most obvious one that is the easiest to see

the issue has two different sides but the obverse is only the one that everyone sees



Formality : 6 - 6.5





