Call Back : (전화를 해왔던 사람에게)다신 전화를 하다, (장소로)다시 돌아가다, (사람에게)다시 돌아오라고 요청하다
I will call you back when I finished
to telephone somebody again at a more convenient time
I will call back in an hour, to come back to a place
you could call somebody back the last candidate, to request that somebody returns
the company called the worker back
Call Away : (다른일로) 장소를 떠나게 하다, ~를 다른데로 불려나가다
to call somebody away
to make them depart
to get sombody to leave a place
I was called away from the meeting
He's been called away, he's been called out, somebody called him in
Call Down :(~에 어떤것이 일어나기를/어떤것이 내리기를) 신에게 빌다, 신에게 기도하다
he called down a hail of frogs, to pray to god for something to happen
he called down fire and brimstone on me
Call For : ~를 부르다, ~을 필요로 하다, ~을 요청하다, ~을 데리러 가다, ~을 데리러 오다
hey! John come here so he called for John
to shout and sommon a person
we were enjoying our meal and we called for more desserts
if a situation calls for something, it demands, it requests, it needs
this project calls for more financing
to request, to demand, to necessitate
I will come and pick you up tomorrow, I'll call for you at about 12 o'clock
to stop at a place and to ask for somebody
the taxi will call for you in 10 minutes
Call Forth : (반응/감정) 불러일으키다
to summon, to evoke, to elicit, to produce, to bring out
this sad song called forth various emotions
the momory called forth a feeling that I was in the past
Call In : (도움이나 상담을 위해 전문가를)불러오다, 불러서 오게하다, (특히 직장에)전화를 하다, (~이 유통되지 않도록)회수하다, 유통을 중단시키다, 방문하다, 들르다
to call in, call in a specialist
call in a plummer
to ask for assistance or consultation
you need to call in a lawyer to resolve this situation
they're calling in all of these old banknotes
they're calling in all five pound notes
to call in, to communicate with your base
I will call in to say that everything was fine
to call in, to take something out of circulation
there was a fault with the product and they called it in
to call in, to visit
when I am going past your house, I will call in, I will visit
Call Off : 취소하다, 철회하다, (~을 못하도록)불러들이다, 억제하다, 멈추게하다
to call off, to cancel. to postpone
I had to call off the meeting becasue I couldn't make it
the match was called off because there was too much rain
to restrain, to bring back that is attacking to
to call off the attack
my dog attacked him and then I called my dog off
Call On : ~에 들르다, ~에 방문하다
to call on somebody, to visit someone
to call on, to call by, to call in, to visit
next time you're here call on me
Call Out : ~을 부르다, ~을 호출하다, 도전을 걸다, (결투를 위해)불러내다
Call-out : 호출, 출장서비스
to call out, to ask or to summon a group to request that somebody or a group assemble goes somewhere
I had to pay a call-out free, the fact that I 'd ask the plumber to come to my house , that is the call-out
I've got several call-outs to do this afternoon and people call and say please come and visit
you could call somebody out, to challenge, to denounce
you could challenge them to a duel
he called me out and asked me to prove what I said
to point out, to denounce
Call Up : (군대에)~을 소집하다, ~에게 전화를 걸다 , (경기등에)~를 출전시키다
Call-up : (군대의)소집, 징병, (경기를 위한)부름
to summon for military service
the reserve troops were called up
they are calling up people under over the age of 18
you could be called up by the army enlisted in the army
he tried to avoid being called up
selected for a squad
he was called up to the England team again
to call up, to call up on the telephone
to ring someone on the phone
Call Upon : 요구하다, 요청하다
to call upon, to need, to require
this situation calls upon us to be calm
he called upon all of his resources
the banks are being called upon to lower interest rate
Call To : ~에 큰소리로 외치다, ~를 유혹하다, ~을 부추기다
to tempt someone with something
these cakes in the fridge are calling to me, they are asking me to eat them
Call Together : (사람들/그룹)모으다, 불러모으다
to call together, to gather a group of people to gather for a meeting to assemble
to request that people assemble
I called together everybody in the office so that we could discuss the matter
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