Hinterland : (큰 도시/해안지역에서 멀리 떨어진) 내륙지역, 오지, 배후지, (내가 보이고 아는 영역을 넘어선)영역
hinterland is interior, the apart is away from the coast
the capital city Lima is on the coast and there a big coastal strip of Peru but if you go over the Andes, the hinterland is I think much more interesting
it's the interior of a country
to say the part of a country that away from the big city area
Hinterland in Britain I think probably Scotland's better
Edinburgh and Glasgow are in the south of Scotland but as you go northwards and get into the hinterland, the countryside becomes more beautiful
the part of a country that is away from the influence of the big city areas
it's rural areas, beyound the major towns and major ports
agricultural hinterland
the hinterland, it has much lower population but also maybe much more interesting place
you can use it more metaphorically
to talk about something that is beyond what you can see and what you know
telesccopes are seeing further and further into space but what is in the hinterland beyond that, who knows?
where life begins and where life ends, maybe the hinterland are between the after those two states
effectively a hinterland, a remote urban area, a long way from the coast
go into the hinterland
it's the back country
it's a rural area
Formality : 5