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정이로운 영어공부/A Treasury of Colloquial Phrases72

6. Leak like a Sieve Q : Whenever it rains water comes in through the holes in the roof. The roof leaks like a ........ 1) Tap 2) Funnel 3) Pipe 4) Sieve 5) Hole A : 4) Sieve Sieve : 체(가루물 등을 거르는 데 쓰는 부엌 도구), 체로 거르다,체로 치다, 체질하다 Leak like a Sieve : 거푸집 마냥 새다, 줄줄 새다 Have a memory like a sieve = have an awful memory 까마귀 고기를 먹다, 잘 까먹는다, 자꾸 잊어버리다 2023. 7. 27.
5. Cave In Q : The kids had been badgering me for weeks to take them to the funfair and finally I ........... ( submitted, conceded, yielded, acquiesced) 1) Stove in 2) Shored up 3) Dropped down 4) Caved in 5) Backed in A : 4) Caved in Cave In : (강력히 반대하던 것에) 응하다, 굴복하다, 항복하다 cave in to = submit to = concede to = yield to = give in to = give way to = acquiesce in = surrender to ~에 항복하다, ~에 따르다, ~에 굴복하다, ~에 .. 2023. 7. 26.
4. Bunk Off Q : Michael .......... school every Friday. (be absent without permission) 1) Skives out 2) Hookeys out 3) Truants down 4) Bunks off 5) Ditches over A : 4) Bunks off Bunk off : 학교/직장을 빼먹다, 땡땡이치다 bunk off = skive = play truant = play hooky = play hookey = skip class = cut class = ditch class 학교/직장을 빼먹다, 땡땡이치다, 수업을 빼먹다 2023. 7. 25.
3. Jittery Q : The latest inflation figures released by the Bank of England have made investors very ......... (nervous, jumpy, uneasy) 1) Tottery 2) Jittery 3) Spluttery 4) Splintery 5) Blustery A : 2) Jittery jittery : 초조한, 조마조마한 jittery = nervous = anxious = jumpy = uneasy = twitchy = fidgety = restive = on edge = apprehensive = nerve-racking = nerve-wrecking = neurotic = edgy = agitated = wired = antsy.. 2023. 7. 24.
2. Moonlight Q : He earns so little that he has to ........as a taxi-driver. (to do an additional job after your regular, full-time job) 1) twilight 2) lamplight 3) candlelight 4) skylight 5) moonlight A : 5) moonlight moonlight : (보통 추가 소득에 대한 세금을 안 내고 은밀히) 부업을 하다, 달빛 moonlight = moonlighting = side job = side work = sideline = side hustle = by-job = by-work = side gig = earn money on the side 2023. 7. 24.
1. Salt away Q : It is a good idea to ........ away some of your salary every month in order to have some savings for emergencies. 1) pepper 2) sugar 3) flour 4) salt 5) ice A : 4) salt salt away : ~을 감추어 두다, 몰래 저축하다, 소금에 절이다 salt away = salt down 2023. 7. 23.