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정이로운 영국라이프10

A healthy mind can come from a healthy body When I was younger, I used to cope with stress by indulging in unhealthy, strongly flavored foods as a way of compensating for my anxiety and stress, not to mention indulging in excessive sweetness, even though I was well aware of them as guilty pleasures. However, I came to realize that such emotional eating was nothing but an act of self-destruction that dragged me down into an abysmal depress.. 2023. 9. 7.
Sunny day, pleasing breeze, blue sky, and wide-open greenery moor Time passes quickly. It has just entered into Septempber, which means that three quarters of this year have past. Personally, from the start of the year I have been caught up in a whirlwind of times in order to open my new chapter of my life journey. To do this, I have left only the last stage of reaching it. Please, without anymore troubles and hardships, I hope that everything would progress a.. 2023. 9. 4.
Finding peace and perspective amidst life's hustle and bustle This photo is one of my skyscape collections I shot. I have been habitually taking sky photos every day, which is for me like a personal ritual to let myself stop and smell the roses amid hustle and bustle day. For me, clear and spotless blue sky brings me a true sense of peacefulness, tranquility and solace, which helps me have a determined and firm mindset not to be swayed by external things. .. 2023. 7. 27.
My favorite time of the day I think it is the first time to share my personal daily life on my blog. One of my favorite daily routines that I have been doing every morning is reading English news articles while grabbing a full mug of fragrant black coffee or a black tea, together with fresh, wholesome fruits and some bits of biscuit. 2023. 7. 24.