Zero Sum Game : 제로섬게임 (게임 이론에서 참가자 각각의 이득과 손실의 합이 제로가 되는 게임)
This is normally talking about business
If one side gains an advantage or one side wins or earns more money, and then the other side loses more money
the tatal in the system is the same, there is no net change, there is no overall change
the advange gained by one sided or some parties is exactly the same as the losses by another or all of the other parties
what I win is you lose
loss and the profits are equal
Non-Zero Sum Game : 논제로섬게임, 한쪽의 이익과 다른 쪽의 손실을 합했을 때 제로가 되지 않는 현상
The opposite of zero sum game is the Non-Zero Sum Game
If workers go on strike the factory doesn's make any money and the workers don't get pay. Both sides lose, this is the non-zero sum game
Tow companies cooperate with each other, and both of them make more money, that's non-zero sum game
the total inside the system changes and that is non-zero sum game
Formality : 6