Middle of Nowhere 멀리 떨어진 곳, 외떨어진 곳
In the middle of nowhere / to the middle of nowhere 멀리 떨어진 곳에 있는, 외딴곳에 있는
It's saying that somewhere is very remote
very often this is rather disapproving as well
I have to driveto the middle of nowhere
He lives in a house in the middle of nowhere
This is somewhere that's a long way from towns and from cities
this is the place where very few people live
it's distant, extremely remote, isolated, far-flung
off the beaten track / off the beaten path
in the middle of nowhere
in the boondocks or in the boonies
in the sticks, which is out in the countryside
in some backwater
to the back beyond
the ass end of nowhere
the ass end of
the bottom end of
the ass end of beyond
it doesn't have any interesting defining characteristics
there's nothing interesting there's nobody lives there
ini the middle of nowhere / to the middle of nowhere
a long way from anywhere (more formal expression)
informal phrase
Formality : 3 - 3.5