Mote : (아주 작은)티끌, 미진
Moat : (성주위에 둘러 판 못) 호, 해자
Economic Moat : 경제적 해자 (한 회사가 동종업계의 다른 회사에 비해 갖고있는 경쟁 우위)
A mote, a tiny tiny little speck
something really really small
dust mote, a mote of dust
In a room, there's sun shine through the window and you can see these tiny little dust motes floating around in the air
a very small particle
a speck, a grain , a fleck , a scintilla, a mite, an iota
my contribution to the project is just a mote, it's just a fly spec
it's the tiniest little thing, it's fragment
see the mote in another's [neighbor's] eye
see a tiny tiny imperfection or something wrong with others
mote and beam
Formality : 6
A moat, defensive ditch all around a castle and normally filled with water
defensive moat
in a zoo, there is a moat around the more dangerous animals
defensive structure
can be used this more metaphorically, to say some sort of protection
we need to find some sort of way to moat or activities to protect them
a wide ditch that is usually filled with water and that goes around the walls of a place to protect it from being attacked
now also a moat is used in business
business meaning
which talks about something that a characteristic of business that makes it able to defend itself much better against competitors
special protected position
a business that has a moat is liable to last much longer, it is really difficult for competitors to take over their positon
a business moat
economic moat
Formality : 5 - 5.5