Try Before You Buy : 구매하기전에 시도해봐, 구매하기전에 테스트해봐
To try befor you decide to purchase it
When buying a car, you can try a test driving
it can also be used when talking about the pre-marital sex, more humorous side
Formality : 5
Sale or Return : 재고품 반품 가능 조건으로 (공급되는), 잔품을 인수한다는 조건부판매계약
The condition is sale or return
A manufacturer gives somethings to a retailer
You can sell as many as you can, if you can't sell all of them you can return any of them you haven't sell
Formality : 5
Sale on Approval (Sale on Appro) : 점검매매(실물을 보고나서의 매매), (실물을 보고) 마음에 들면 산다는 조건으로, 점검하고 나서
You can return it within a certain period of time
Formality : 5
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