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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

218. Billow - GRE Vocabulary - Billow / Billow Out

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 20.

Billow : (바람에)부풀어 오르다, (연기/구름 등이)피어오르다, 자욱하게 피어오르는 것(연기/김 등)

Billow Out :  (바람에)부풀어 오르다, 자욱하게 피어오르다


To billow, to fill with air

To swell to get bigger

She Stood on the top of the hill with her dress billowing out, catching the air

Billows of steam

Billows of smoke

Billows of cloud, this is like a cloud, a large amount of ,a mess of something

Coming out, flowing out, swirling out, rolling out

Billows of smoke were coming out of the burning house

Billows of fog

The washing line was billowing, was flapping in the breeze

We watched the boats with their billowing sails

A large wave, a large swell

The flag were billowing in the breeze

The wind  caused the sails to billow out

Her dress billowed out

The curtain is billing out in the breeze



Formality : 5.5 - 6






