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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

208. Dissident - Political Vocabulary - Dissident / Dissidence

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 20.

Dissident : 반체제 인사

Dissidence : (전체주의에 대항하는)반체제, (의견/성격등의) 불일치


Dissident, a noun refering to a person

Dissidence is the quality of the noun

Dissident who actively challenges the established political system or established religious system, doctrine, belief

Political dissident

Dissident, these are people who are looking for the change

Person who are publicly disagrees with their government and criticizes their government and the status quo

Dissent is more general, there are a lot of dissent in class 

Dissident group

Dissident writer

A religious dissident who was excommunicated by the pope

Dissident is much more active than dissent

Dissidence is something that is heavily penalized or heavily dealt with by totalitarian regime


Formality : 5





