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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

203. Squall - C2 Vocabulary

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 17.

Squall : (눈/비를 동반하는)돌풍, 소란스럽게하다, 소란을 피우다, 문제, 갑작스런 소동, (아기)큰소리내어 울다, (귀에 거슬리게) 고함을 지르다, 시끄럽게하다, 소란을 피우다



Squall in weather is a sudden strong gust of wind, particulary one that has rain or sleet, a mixture of rain and hail

The boat was hit by squalls of rain in the storm

It is suddern gust of wind

A squall blew down the tree in our garden


Squall as a verb, to talk about something making a very loud and unpleasant noise, particulary a baby

My baby son was squalling all night, crying loudly

It doesn't have to be a baby

What are you squalling about, what are you shouting about , what are you complaining about


You can use this, a squall , a problem , a sudden difficulty

Metaphorically, a brief commotion like a storm blowing suddenly for a short time

A squall of complaints

A squall, a sudden strong wind

A squall, a stong short-term and loud sharp noise

He was squalling with complaints

A squalling sound coming from the tree

A squall of wind, a gust of wind, a flurry of wind, a sudden rash of wind

To squall, to scream , to cry out raucously, to say some in a very strong strident voice

Rain squalls predicted for tonight

A squall, a short-lived intense problem and very temporary problem



Formality : 5





