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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

200. Gush - IELTS Vocabulary - Gush / Gushing

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 17.

Gush : (액체) 솟구치다, 쏟아져 나오다, 분출, (칭찬/감정을 진전성 없이)마구 쏟아내다, 표현하다, (감정의)분출, 폭발

Gushing : (열의·칭찬·감정을 과장되게) 마구 쏟아 내는



To gush, talks about a lot of liquid flowing out very quickly and in large amounts

I cut myself and blood was gushing out of the cut

Tap broke in my hand and water gushed out, water flowed out everywhere

It surged out, it spouted, it spurted, it streamed, it poured

To gush out

To gush forth form 



A person can gush

To show suddern strong positive feelings, usually so strong that they don't sound very sincere

Everybody in the meeting gave gushing support for the boss's plan strongly and possitively, but well maybe it was ratehr insincere they were being sycophantic

To gush, to speak or to write in effusively with enormous enthusiasm to rave about somethign but so much that it sounds a bit false

A gushing praise

A gushing affection

A gushing enthusiam



I feel a gush of emotion, a sudden strong feeling, nomally positive



Formality : 5 - 5.5





