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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

197. Purgatory - GRE Vocabulary

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 16.

Purgatory :  고통, (고통을 유발하는)지옥같은 경험[상태], 고통스러운 일, (가톨릭 종교) 연옥, 정화과정, 순화과정 (죽은 뒤 천국에 가기전 먼저 정화과정을 겪는 것)



Unpleasant experience that cause suffering

Yesterday, it reached 40 degreee, it was sheer purgatory

To say that something is really unpleasant 

It is really rather nasty

It is not really nice

Torment, torture, misery 

Something that caused agony and anguish 


Pugatory nowadays we use it to means " suffering " , for temporary situation that is going to finish but you are going to suffer while it is happening. 

purgotory of Covid19

purgotory of lockdown

Formality : 5




This is particularly for people of the catholic religion, after you die your soul go to purgatory

A process of purification

To clean or clean out you of all the bad bits or all your bad habits

When you finish in purgatory, you are redeemed and you go to heaven

related to word " purge", which means that clean, clean out to get rid of the unwanted

Formality : 6.5 -7





