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195. Brinksmanship - Formal English

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 15.

Brinksmanship (Brinkmanship) : 극한 정책, 벼랑끝 전술, 위기 정책(특히 정치에서 사람들에게 겁을 주어 원하는 대로 유도하기 위해 상황을 아주 위험한 지경으로 몰고 가는 수법)


A negotiating technique

The brink is the edge of the cliff where it falls down vertically

On the brink of , on the very very edge of 

Very common in politics

Play brinkmanship with 

It is like playing chicken, who will fall off the edge first, so both sides say I'm not going to give in

Brinksmanship in a high-stakes litigation

Both sides get closer to closer to the edges of litigation without actually falling off the edge

To see who will give in / surrender / or maybe bad things will happen



Formality : 5





