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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

170. Wreak - English Expressions - Wreak / Wrought / Wreak Havoc / Wrought Iron

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 12.

Wreak :  (큰 피해 등을) 입히다, 가하다

Wrought : 만들어진, 합해진

Wreak Havoc : 파괴하다, 피해를 초래하다, 피해를 입히다

Wrought Iron : 연철, 단철 (잘 단련된 철, 잘 주조된 철)


To wreak, to cause something bad to happen

Wreak revenge on me

Wreak vengeance on

Wreak his anger on the child

To infllict / to execute punishment

To vent

To unleash

The storm wreak incredible damage upon the city

To inflict vengeance or punishment

To bring about demage or destruction, particulary in this phrase, wreak havoc

wreak - wrought - wrought  

wreak - wreaked - wreaked

The accident wrought havoc the roads



Wrought can be used as an adjective

Wrought , fashioned or made with great care or difficulty

Wrought iron , decorativce iron gates and different things

The poem has some carefully wrought rhymes and it has been very well wrought, very well made, and put together

Environmental changes is being wrought by man slowly or quickly nowadays

The statue has been wrought from stone

The song has some carefully wrought lyrics 

The wrought iron shaped by hammering with tools

Wrought, well fashioned , well put together, well made



Formality : 5.5 - 6





