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정이로운 영국라이프/Everyday Life in the UK

Welcome 2024, Good bye 2023

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 1. 2.



After arriving the UK, every day was a hectic. it seems like excuse that I failed to post everyday though, I have been in a string of hectic days. Before arriving 2024 I personally would like to leave the ending message here my blog though, I let the time off ..the Korean time of 1st day of the new year. But, I am writing at this moment when an half and an hour left before 1st Jan ends in the UK time. 


In recent days, it has been a concatenation of rainy days... daytime is too short in wintertime of the UK. 

With bidding farewell to year of 2023, which was the eventful year for me. Having said that, I attained all I want. 

I would like to say to myself that you trully deserve to be believed as 'great and cool' lady :D

I broke through all of challenges in turn, and I have just started to discern a still thin but hopeful silver lining. That is why I much look forward to days to come, they must be full of roses. From years-long formidable challenges, I have learned the impportance of perserverance, persistence, self-decipline, daily routines, above all how to love myself. The last year was for me the year that I could be much closer to myself.


You are a great lady, I trust you. Let's fly this year with full of blessing :D





