Genuflect : (경의를 표하거나 예배를 드리기 위해 한 쪽) 무릎을 꿇다, 굽실거리다
Genuflection : (예배 보기 위한) 무릎 꿇기, 비굴한 태도
Take a knee : 한쪽 무릎을 꿇다
Kneel : (양쪽) 무릎을 꿇다
Genuflect is to go down on one knee and get up again as a symbol of respect
to genuflect means to bend one knee so that one knee touches the ground and then you get up agian
it's being respectful
it's showing respect
it's showing deference to somebody
genuflection, you go down on one that you take a knee and ten you get up again and this is an action of respect
to go down on one knee
bowing your knee, this is the idea of genuflection, kneeling
to take a knee, this is definitely genuflection
genuflection is just normally quite a short one
but nowadays we have this thing of taking a knee
this is to kneel on the ground but with one knee
this today is a show of respect or protest against racism
if you take a knee agaisnt racism, you are bending down on one knee publicly and it's a public statement against racism
to take a knee
to kneel down on one knee
to genuflect
to kneel is when you go down on both knees
when you are praying in church, you kneel on both knees and you stay there for quite a while
to kneel more time on both knees
notice, this verb to genuflect, the noun of the quality genuflection
you can also use this to be terribly deferential
to be servile
to grovel to somebody
the press is genuflecting to the desires of the governemnt
to venerate very much
you can use this critically as well
the bureaucrats were genuflecting before the president doing exactly what he wanted what he said
you are giving them a great deal of attention and respect but if you think the person doesn't deserve it
this is probably a journalistic phrase as well
at the moment, Belarussian is genuflecting to the whims of Mr Putin
the British have genuflected to the desires of the Americans
a great deal of attention and respect that maybe is not deserved
Formality : 7 for to genuflect
Formality : 5 for to take a knee
Formality : 5 for to kneel