Gild : 금빛으로 빛나게하다, 금박을 입히다, 도금을 하다, 더 나아보이게 만들다
Gilt (Gilded) : 금박을 입힌, 도금을 한, 금색으로 칠한, 부유한, 상류층의, 금박, 금가루, 금색깔, (고정 금리의) 우량 채권
to gild is to make something beautiful uisng gold, to cover with gold, to cover with a thin layer of gold
gilt or gilded as a adjective for this
to gild, to cover the surface of something that look that is gold
a gilt frame, the frame of a picture that is covered in gold leaf
we also have the adjective gilded, a gilded frame
the person who does the job is a gilder
nowadays, that they very often use this just to talk about a gold color
a gilt frame, nowadays is just painted gold, it's not actually the real thing
very often, we use gilt as just color, as in a golden color
gilded itself talks about covered in gold
he has lived in a gilded age, a wonderful time
you could have a bird in a gilded cage, this is a metaphore for somebody who is trapped. they have all the wonderful things in life but they are trapped insided a cage which is covered in gold
a golden opportunity, you could say a gilt opportunity
this teapot is silver gilt, it's siver covered in a layer of gold,in this case it would probably be electroplating
to gild, to dawn, to make something look better. you can use it metaphorically like that
gilt, decorated adorned with something else use it metaphorically as well
to gild something to make it look much much much better
we've got quite a few phrases with this
to gild the lily, a lily is a beautiful flower and so to gild the lilies we are talking about this image of covering this beautiful lily with gold leaf
which is a phrase that means to take something perfect and go over the top
to go too far
when something is just right stop and don't go any further
don't gild the lily
the stock market, we have gilt-edged securities
gilt-edged securities
gilt-edged stocks
these are stocks and shares that are very very reliable
they belong to big companies, they are very dependable and they are not going to change
gilt market, which is the market of stocks and shares that are of very very good quality, maybe they give less profit but they are much safer
to gild the pill, a pill doesn't taste very nice
if you gild the pill, you make it look a lot better
when politicians have to implement some sort of legislation that people don't like, they try and gild the pill to make it look less horrible and less unappetizing
notice, don't confused these words with 'guilt', I feel guilty about this
I feel culpable, I've done something wrong, I've got responsibility for something bad
also, don't confused the word ' guild', an organization of people
the guild of fishhmonger
a guild is an organization
Formality : 6