Interlude : (두 가지 사건 가운데 다른 일이 일어나는) 사이, 막간, (연극·영화 등의 중간) 막간, 막간을 채우는 작품(연설)
Interluding : 막간의, 사이의
interlude is a short period of time, normally what for from when one activity stops and either the same activity starts again or another activity starts after that
in the interluding period, in the period of time between these two things
he worked most of his life as a doctor but he also had a couple of interludes where he worked as an actor
there werer brief periods of time where he stopped being a doctor and worked as an actor and then continued to be a doctor again
this was a very happy interlude in my life between different things
we were traveling by car from London to Edinburgh and we passed a brief interlude in Carlisle on the way we stopped for a bit and we looked around and we relaxed
if you have a film for example on television or in the cinema, normally they call the break and intermission but the intermission is an interlude where the film's not shown and you can go for a pee or to do somthing else
an interlude, it's a short period of time
it's an interval of time
it's a period of time between longer processes or two longer events
the country was normally peaceful and there were normally very few problems although there were one or two interludes of violence, short periods between the times of peace
an interlude, it's where a different activity takes place
after going to university, he had a brief interlude where he traveled and then he started to work
it's a period of time between events
we were talking about finance in the meeting but the boss came in and explained the imporotance of our meeting, after this interlude by the boss we continued
it's something short that goes between two things
it came be the same thing that stars and stops and intermission, or one thing stops and the next things starts
normally if you are at school, there is an interlude between leaving one classroom and the starting of your next class in a different classroom
normally the bits either side these are longer periods of times
the interlude is shorter but how long it is depends on how long the other bits are
he played violine for two hours and after a brief interlude to use the loo and then he continued to play
an interlude, you can use this in a theater, to talk about a small dramatic piece that played separately
it could be part of
it's a brief little bit of cameo if you like or you could have an interlude a short piece of musice given between sections of music or between another performance
Formality : 6 - 6.5