Celerity : 속도, 민첩, 신속
celerity, this means speed, swiftness
it's jsut quite a formal rather posh word for speed
he did his work with great celerity, with swiftness of action, with swifteness of motion
the celerity of the hand deceives the eye
this is doing something really rapidly
celerity, rapidity, swiftness, speed
the more celerity we can dispatch this project with, the more we will get paid
that progresses with great celerity
the legal system certainly in the UK moves with anything but celerity, very very slowly
celerity is swiftness of movement
doiong things quickly
getting them done very rapidly
swiftness of movement
a snail is not known for its celerity
hummingbird is known for its celerity
in automatic trading in stock markets, the celerity of trading has got faster and faster
celerity, rapidity, swiftness, speed, velocity, haste, with fleetness
we are seeing increasing celerity in climate change
the celerity with which young people mature nowadays is quite surprising
swifting in acting
celerity, alacrity, briskness
because the celerity of his pace, I just can't keep up and I get left miles behind
you need to seize this opportunity with celerity
with dispatch
you can also use this word celerity, talking about the speed of waves, the speed that a wave goes forwards
celerity is clearly related to the word accelerate
Formality : 7