Crust : (빵) 껍질, (지구의)외벽, 표면, (특히 파이의) 윗부분, 껍질, 딱딱한 층, 표층,
Crusty : 딱딱한 껍질이 있는, 신경질적인, 화를 잘 내는, (서구 사회에서 관습적인 삶을 거부하는) 떠돌이,히피
Upper Crust : (사회의) 상류층
Crustily : 퉁명스럽게 , 심술궂게
Encrust (Incrust) : (단단한)외피로 덮다, 외피를 형성하다, (표면을 보석 등으로) 박혀있다, 장식하다
Earn a crust : (돈을) 먹고 살 만큼 벌다
a crust is a hard outer layer of something
the first thing I think of is bread, if you get a load of bread, the outside is crunchy and quite brittle and hard, that is a crust
some people like the crust and some people like the soft bit in the middle
the crust, the hard outer covering
there was snow and it froze overnight, so there was a hard crust over the the snow
a crust of bread, a strike hard scrap of bread
the Earth has a crust
we live on the crust of the Earth, the hard solid bit
a pie crust, the crust of a pie
the outside layer of pie
the pie crust was absolutely delicious
crusty as an adjective
he likes crusty bread, it's got a nice crust to it
you can also use crusty, means somebody who is bad-tempered
a crusty old man
he is bad-tempered and impatient and easily irritated
rather surly
a crusty, some sort of hippie also or somebody who lives a very alternative lifestyle in the country
a squatter for example or something like that
we have this phrase the upper crust, very British phrase
meaning posh people
the upper crust of society, these are the richest people in society
these are high-class people with lots and lots of money
to encrust, to cover something with a hard layer
to cover it with a hard crust
the windows were encrusted with dirt, it's like stuck to it, hard bit stuck to it
if you don't wash the dishes after you've eaten and you leave them till the next day or even till the next week
the food becomes encrusted on the plate, it's very difficult to get off
you can also use encrusted, to talk about to fix something to the surface of something
her fingers were encrusted with diamonds and rings
the surface was encrusted with jewels
soemthing fixed too the surface
notice, normally encrust, spelling is 'en' but you can also use 'in' incrust as well.
encrust, incrust
to earn a crust, money or a living
how do you earn a crust?
he earns a crust by teaching English
a crust
Formality : 5
Formality : 4 for a crusty man
Formality : 4.5 for the upper crust
Formaltiy : 5 for to encrust