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Tectonic challenges in store - [사설 읽기] 구조적인 도전 과제

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 1. 2.



Tectonic challenges in store

Clouding the prospects of the already-sagging economy, the nation will likely continue to face tectonic challenges next year such as declining exports coupled with sluggish employment and investment. Major businesses are becoming defensive, reminiscent of



Exports, hiring, investment to remain sluggish next year
내년도 수출, 고용, 투자 부진 지속 전망


tectonic (지질)구조상의

plate tectonics 판구조론

tectonic global shift 구조적 글로벌 변화

salient 가장 중요한, 핵심적인, 가장 두드러진, 현저한

in store 닥쳐올, ~에 닥치려고하는, ~에 기다리는, 예비된

lie ahead = lie in store 앞에 놓여 있다, 앞으로 전개될 것이다

sluggish = languid = listless = lethargic = inert 느릿 느릿한, 부진한

stagnant (물/공기가) 고여있는, 침체된, 흐르지 않는

lethargy = listlessness = inertia 무력, 탄성, 관성


Clouding the prospects of the already-sagging economy, the nation will likely continue to face tectonic challenges next year such as declining exports coupled with sluggish employment and investment. Major businesses are becoming defensive, reminiscent of bears going into winter hibernation. No one can blame them as they are desperate to cope with the harsh situation.
가뜩이나 침체된 경제의 전망이 더욱 흐려지고 있다. 한국은 내년에도 수출 감소, 고용 및 투자 부진과 같은 구조적인 도전에 직면할 가능성이 높다. 곰들이 겨울잠에 들어가는 것을 연상시키듯 주요 기업들이 방어에 나서고 있다. 혹독한 상황에 대처하기 위한 필사적 노력이기에 아무도 비난할 수 없다.


cloud = overshadow = shade = shadow = cast a shadow = darken 어둡게하다, 그림자를 드리우다

prospect = landscape = future = view = forecast = projection = outlook = perspective = vista 전망, 앞날

sagging = faccid = limpping = languid = flabby = lethargic = droopy 축 늘어진, 힘없는, 활기없는

sag = languish = droop = abate = be in the low spirits = wilt = flag = limp 처지다, 약해지다, 시들해지다

coupled with ~와 결부된, ~와 연결된

intertwine with 뒤얽히다, 뒤얽다, 엮다, 엮이다, 밀접하게 관련되다

interlock = interconnet = mesh = engage 서로 맞물리다, 맞물리게 하다

sluggish = languid = listless = lethargic = inert 느릿 느릿한, 부진한

defensive 방어적인(태도를 보이는), 방어의, 수비의, (운동경기에서의)수비의

offensive = aggressive = disagreeable 모욕적인, 불쾌한, 역겨운, (군사적)공격, (어떤 일을 달성하기 위한 대대적인) 공세, 운동

be reminicent of = remind of = be suggestive of = make reminicent of = bring up the image of = give associations to ~을 회상하게 하다,  ~을 연상시키다

go into winter hibernation 겨울잠에 들어가다, 동면에 들어가다

desperate 필사적인, 극단적인, 발악하는, 간절히 필요로 하는, 간절히 원하는

despair 절망, 절망하다, 체념하다

cope with = manage = handle = deal with = address = tackle = treat = cover 다루다, 처리하다

harsh = formidable = daunting = intense = bitter = fierce = violent = wild = rugged = severe = hard 혹독한, 벅찬, 만만찮은, 격렬한, 심한


A survey released on Sunday by the Korea Enterprises Federation (KEF) vividly testifies to this dire outlook. It shows that only 54.2 percent of respondents have managed to set up their New Year business plan. More than 90 percent of them preferred either belt-tightening measures or maintaining the status quo. They are poised to focus on saving costs (72.4 percent), securing liquidity (31 percent) and realigning human resources management (31 percent).
한국경영자총협회(경총)가 23일 발표한 설문조사는 이같은 비관적 전망을 극명하게 보여주고 있다. 응답자의 54.2%만이 새해 사업 계획을 세울 수 있었다. 이들 중 90% 이상이 긴축이나 현상 유지를 선호했다. 비용절감(72.4%), 유동성 확보(31%), 인력관리 재편(31%) 등에 집중할 태세다.


vividly = clearly = distinctly = plainly = nitidly = manifestly = patenly 선명하게, 생생하게, 명확하게, 분명하게

testify = substantiate = demonstrate = indicate = manifest = confirm = show = display = bespeak = illuminate = clarify = present = reflect = represent = exhibit 보여주다, 입증하다, 드러내보이다, 나태내보이다

dire = dreadful = appaling = terrible = terrifyign = awful = flightful = atrocious 대단히 심각한, 엄청난, 지독한, 몹시 나쁜, 끔찍한

business plan 사업 계획

belt-tightening measure = retrenchment plan  = austerity plan[measure] 재정 긴축 계획

maintain the status quo 현상유지를 하다

status quo 현재의 상황, 현상

be poised to = be ready to = be prepared to = be determined to = be resorved to ~할 태세가 갖추다, ~할 준비가 되어 있다, ~할 각오가 되어 있다

brace for = prepare for = make provision for = be ready for = make preparations for = gird oneself for[to] ~에 대비하다, 준비하다 

liguidity (자산의) 유동성, 환금성

realign = overhaul = reorganize = reshuffle = restructure = rearrange = readjust = revise = fine-tune 재조정하다, 재개편하다, 재정리하다

redirect (다른 주소/방향으로)다시보내다, (돈같은 것을 다른 방식/용도로) 전용하다, 돌려쓰다

reorient 자기 위치를 다시 확인하다, ~의 방향을 바꾸다, ~의 초점을 바꾸다

human resource management = personnel management 인적 자원 관리

manpower = labor force = human resource = workforce = labor 인력, 인적자원


Adding fuel to this fire, the nation's exports will likely remain lackluster at zero growth next year. The envisioned slowdown of outbound shipments is ever more serious as they have been buttressing the national economy. A survey on export prospects for 2023 showed businesses expect overseas sales to increase by only 0.5 percent from this year.
이 불길에 기름을 붓듯 한국의 수출은 내년에 0%대 성장의 부진을 면치 못할 듯하다. 수출이 국가 경제를 지탱해 왔기 때문에 더욱 심각하다. 2023년 수출 전망을 조사한 결과 기업들은 올해보다 해외 매출이 0.5% 증가하는 데 그칠 것으로 전망했다.


add fuel to the fire = twist[turn] the knife in the wound = rub salt into the wound = add insult to injury = form bad to worse = make matters worse = misfortunes never come singly = to top it all = to cap it all = what is more worrisome 설상가상으러, 엎친데 덮친격으로, 불길에 기름을 붓듯, 불난집에 부채질 하듯

lackluster = dull = bleary = bleack = gloomy = dim = dreary = grim = glum = dusky = murky = shady = dismal = miserable = depressing = listless = lethargic = cloudy = languid = sluggish = enervated = washed-out = wilted = limping 활기없는, 흐릿흐릿한, 어둑한, 우울한, 힘없는

slowdown = go-slow = recession = depression = slump = stagnation = doldrumps 둔화, 침체

outbound shipments = export = exportation 수출, 수출적화물

inbound shipments = import = importation 수입, 수입적화물

buttress = scaffold = prop up = back up = support = underpin = shore up = jack up 지지하다, 떠받치다

overseas sales 해외 매출


The poll, released by the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI), was conducted on enterprises of 12 major business sectors. Among some 150 companies that answered the survey, those in leading export items such as energy, electronics and petrochemicals estimated that growth will turn to negative territories.
전경련이 발표한 이번 여론조사는 12개 주요 분야 기업을 대상으로 실시됐다. 조사에 응한 150여개 기업 가운데 에너지, 전자, 석유화학 등 주력 수출품목은 성장세가 마이너스로 돌아설 것으로 추정했다.


conduct a poll 여론조사를 하다

conduct a survey 설문조사를 하다

conduct a questionnaire survey 앙케이트 조사를 실시하다, 설문지 조사를 하다

leading = major = staple = salient = key = core = principal = primary = pivotal 주요한, 주요, 선두의, 주력의, 핵심적인

electronics 전자공학, 전자 기술, 전자 장치

petrochemicals 석유화학 제품

estimate = assess = appraise = conjecture = guess = surmise = presume = assume = calculate = compute = work out = reckon 평가하다하, 추정하다, 추측하다, 계산하다, 산출하다

negative territory (주가, 판매추세 등의)하락권, 하락권역

positive territory (주가, 판매추세 등의)상승권, 상승권역

downward trajectory 하락세, 하향궤도

upward trajectory 상승세, 상승궤도

turn to = change to = convert to = develop into ~로 바뀌다, ~로 돌아서다, ~이 되다


Energy and petrochemicals are forecasted to contract by 1.9 percent and 0.5 percent, respectively. Weakened export competitiveness, arising from high-priced resources and materials paired with the continuing economic recession in major export markets, is considered a major obstacle in outbound shipments. This is an alarm bell to the national economy, which has a heavy reliance on exports.
에너지와 석유화학은 각각 1.9%와 0.5%의 역성장을 기록할 것으로 전망됐다. 주요 수출 시장에서 계속되는 경기 침체와 함께 고비용의 자원과 재료로 인해 발생하는 수출 경쟁력 약화는 수출의 주요 장애물로 간주된다. 수출 의존도가 높은 우리 경제에 경종을 울리는 대목이다.


forecast = predict = expect = look ahead = foresee 내다보다, 예상하다, 전망하다

contract = diminish = decrease = dwindle = decline = reduce = shrink = lessen 줄어들다, 감소하다, 수축하다

arising from = led by = caused by = stemming from = originating from = deriving from = coming from = emenating from ~에서 발생하는, ~에서 초래되는, ~에서 유래하는

high-riced = expensive = costly = pricey = exorbitant 비싼, 값비싼, 고가의

be paired with ~와 병행하다, ~와 짝을 이루다

economic recession 경기 침체

recession = slowdown = go-slow = depression = slump = stagnation = doldrumps 둔화, 침체

obstacle = stumbling block = hindrance = impediment = obstrution = hurdle = barrier 장애물, 방해물

alarm bell = warning sign = red light 경종, 비상벨, 적신호

reliance on = dependence on 


A decline in exports may lead to an expanding trade deficitdealing blows to fiscal soundness and external credit, thus dampening the economic vitality of the nation. This, therefore, requires the government and businesses to strengthen their commitment to rejuvenating exports. Fortunately, many governments have recently begun to show an intention to purchase South Korea's nuclear reactors and military weapons.
수출 감소는 무역 적자 확대로 이어지고 이는 다시 재정 건전성과 대외 신용도에 타격을 입혀 국가의 경제 활력을 떨어뜨릴 수 있다. 이를 극복하기 위해서는 정부와 기업이 수출 활력 회복에 대한 더욱 강한 의지를 보여야 한다. 다행히도, 여러 나라들이 최근 한국의 원자로와 군사 무기를 구매하려는 움직임을 보이기 시작했다.


trade deficit = trade shortfall 무역 적자

deal blows to = hit hard ~에 타격을 입히다

wreak havoc with ~을 아수라장으로 만들다, ~에 막대한 손해를 끼치다 

pose a threat to ~에 위협을 가하다

bear the brunt of ~을 정면에서 맞서다, ~의 가장큰 타격을 받다

fiscal soundness = financial soundness 재정 건전성

external credit 대외 신용도, 외부 신용

dampen = compound = deteriorate = exacerbate = aggravate = make worse = worsen 악화시키다, 악화되다

vitality = vigour = energy = bounce = vibrancy = dynamism = brio = pep 활력, 활기

commitment to ~에 대한 헌신, 에 대한 약속

rejuvenate = invigorate = revitalize = breathe life into = bring life into = give life to = dynamize = pump-prime = energize 다시 활성화시키다, 활기를 불어 넣다

nuclear reactor = reactor 원자로

small nuclear recotr (SNR) 소형원자로

military weapon 군사 무기


Against this backdrop, the role of the government, in particular, is significant. The Yoon Suk-yeol administration should engage more proactively in negotiations with relevant governments to facilitate the exports of products as they are pertinent to national security and infrastructure. It is encouraging that the exports of related products have been showing signs of booming recently, boosted by the government's endeavors.
이런 상황에서는 특히 정부의 역할이 막중하다. 윤석열 행정부는 관련 품목이 국가안보와 사회기반 시설에 해당하는 만큼 제품 수출이 원활히 이뤄질 수 있도록 해당 정부와의 협상에 보다 적극적으로 임해야 한다. 정부의 노력에 힘입어 최근 관련 제품 수출이 호조세를 보이고 있다는 점은 고무적이다.


engage in = take part in = participate in = partake in = join in ~에 참가하다, ~에 참석하다

proactive 상황을 앞서서 주도하는, 적극적인, 사전대책을 강구하는

proactively 적극적으로, 상황을 앞서주도하면서

negotiation = bargaining 협상, 합의

compromise 타협, 절충, 타협하다, 출중하다

facilitate = enable = allow = permit 가능하게하다, 용이하게 하다

pertinent to (특정상황에) 적절한, 관련있는

encouraging = stimulating = inspiring = cheerful 고무적인, 격려하는, 의욕을 북돋우는

show signs of ~의 기미를 보이다

show no signs of ~의 기미가 보이지 않다

boom 붐, 호황, 호조세를 보이다, 호황을 누리다, 갑작스런 인기를 얻다

boost = stimulate = spur = encourage = inspire 북돋우다, 격려하다

endeavor = exertion = effort = strive = try = attempt = bid 노력, 시도


Yoon vowed to fully support businesses in their bids to increase exports, calling on all relevant ministries to roll up their sleeves toward that end.
윤 대통령은 수출 증대를 위한 기업들의 노력을 전적으로 지원하겠다고 약속하면서 모든 관련 부처들이 이를 위해 팔을 걷어붙일 것을 촉구했다.


vow = swear = promise = plege = make an oath = make a swear 맹세하다, 약속하다, 선언하다

call on = call for = ask for = require = urge = exhort = demand 요청하다, 촉구하다

relevant ministries 관련 부처

roll up one's sleeves = step up efforts = double down on = embark on 소매를 걷어올리다, 일에 착수하다

toward that end 이를 위해서, 이 목표를 위해, 그 끝을 위해


Regarding how to tackle the looming setbacks, 35.5 percent of KEF survey respondents cited the need to reduce costs, while 20.3 percent and 15.3 percent unveiled plans to refrain from further recruiting and postpone investments, respectivelyMost of them wanted the administration to take more effective and feasible policies to boost investor sentiment.
경총 조사 응답자의 35.5%는 비용 절감의 필요성을, 20.3%와 15.3%는 신규 채용을 자제하고 투자를 연기할 계획을 밝혔다. 이들 대부분은 정부가 기업의 투자심리를 끌어올리기 위해 보다 효과적이고 실현 가능한 정책을 취하기를 원했다.


looming 어렴풋이 보이기 시작하는, 희미하게 나타나는

brewing = emerging = surfacing = swelling 떠오르는, 커지는, 증가하는

setback = trouble = hardship =  suffering = failure = miscarry = frustration = difficulty = odds = ordeal = predicament = plight = quandary = adversity = distress 차질, 어려움, 역경, 고난, 좌절, 실패

cite = mention = refer to = quote = allude = state = note = remark = utter = observe 언급하다, 이유를 들다, 말하다

refrain from = abstain from = keep off ~을 삼가하다, ~을 멀리하다

abstinence (건강/도덕적 이유로 술/섹스/음식등) 자제, 금욕

abstention 기권, 자제

recruiting 인원 채용활동,구인활동

postpone = put off = delay = suspend = procrastinate = put on hold = defer = push back = hold something over 미루다, 연기하다, 보류하다

feasible = workable = practicable = pragmatic = realistic = serviceable = utilitarian = practical 실행가능한, 실용적인

boost = stimulate = spur = encourage = inspire 북돋우다, 격려하다

investor sentiment 투자자 심리, 투자 심리


What is noteworthy is that 25.4 percent of businesses replied that they would increase investments should the government-initiated bill for lowering the corporate tax pass the National Assembly. In the FKI poll, 38 percent of respondents wanted to get tax incentives when acquiring resources from abroad, citing it as essential to fortify their export prowess.
주목할 만한 점은 정부가 발의한 법인세 인하 법안이 국회를 통과할 경우 기업의 25.4%가 투자를 늘리겠다고 응답했다는 점이다. 전경련 조사에서 응답자의 38%는 해외에서 자원을 수입시 세제 혜택을 받기를 원했으며, 이는 수출 능력을 강화하는 데 필수적이라고 말했다.


noteworthy = noticeable = remarkable = outstanding = striking = prominent = conspicuous = notable = obtrusive 눈에띄는, 두드러진, 주목할만한, 현저한

governement-initiated = government-led 정부 주도의, 정부가 발의한

bill = legislative bill 법안, 법률

corporate tax = corporation tax 법인세

tax incentives = tax benefits = tax perk 세금 해택

tax credit = tax deduction 세액 공제

acquire = procure = attain = secure = take = gain  = obtain 얻다, 구하다, 조달하다, 입수하다, 확보하다

fortify = consolidate = reinforce = solidify = enhance = strengthen = beef up = ramp up = amp up = ratchet up = cement = stiffen 강화시키다, 증가시키다

prowess = feat = ability = capability = caliber = capacity 기량, 솜씨, 능력


The Yoon administration should provide businesses with full-fledged support so that they can compete with their counterparts from other countries on an equal footing in global markets. For this, the government should get rid of unfavorable barriers in the way of their business activities. The national economy will be enhanced despite diverse looming challenges only when the government and the political parties join efforts to keep businesses afloat and let them gain momentum.
정부는 기업들이 세계시장에서 다른 나라 기업들과 동등한 위치에서 경쟁할 수 있도록 전폭적인 지원을 해야 한다. 이를 위해 정부는 기업 활동에 있어 불리한 장벽을 제거해야 한다. 정부와 정치권이 기업 살리기에 동참하고 힘을 모아야 다양한 도전에도 불구하고 국가 경제가 발전할 수 있다.

full-fledged = full-blown = full-scale = decent 제대로 된, 전폭적인, 잘 갖춰진

compete with = vie with = pit agaisnt = contend with ~와 겨루다, ~와 싸우다

on an equal footing = on equal terms = on the same footing 동등한 입장에서, 동등한 자격으로, 대등하게 

footing = foothold = groundwork = springboard = leaping board = toehold = steppingstone = platform  발판, 출발점, 기반, 토대, 디딤돌

get rid of = eliminate = remove = do away with = take away = ditch = lift = scrap = discard 없애다, 제거하다, 버리다

unfavorable = disadvantageous = adverse 비우호적인, 불리한

barrier = obstacle = stumbling block = hindrance = impediment = obstrution = hurdle 장애물, 방해물

joint effots = combine forces  = join hands = team up with = cooperate with = collaborate with = work together = work hand-in-glove 힘을 합치다, 힘을 모으다, 협력하다, 함께 일하다

keep afloat ~을 가라앉지 않도록 하다, 빛을 지지않도록 하다, 도산당하지 않게 하다

gain momentum = gain traction 탄력이 붙다, 가속도가 붙다, 견인력을 얻다







"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly




