mimic : 모방하다, 본뜨다, ~처럼 보이게하다, 재현하다, (남을 웃기기 위해 or 조롱하기 위해) 흉내내다, 흉내쟁이
to mimic means to copy
to imitate
to do somthing in the same way
to reproduce
to simulate
they wanted to make synthetic diamonds so they needed to mimic the conditions where natural diamonds are created
there are frogs that mimic the sounds of birds
a parrot is mimicking the sounds that it's heard
it's imitating
you can also use this phrase, to mimic sombody
to copy what somebody is saying
to copy their mannerisms
to copy their expressions
to copy their gestures
a mimic is a person who copies the sounds and movements of other people
it's like an impersonator if you like
you could mimic somebody's accent
to ape, to copy, to echo, to parrot
to reflect, to repeat
a mimic, an impersonator
somebody who is good at copying the vioces or mannerisms
there are always some good mimics around
to mimic is with the idea of either making people laugh or to ridicule them
there are various people who mimic politicans
they impersonate
they imitate
they take them off
they copy them
if you a good camouflage, will mimic your surroundings
it will resemble
it will simulate
it will look like them
try to ridicule sombody by mimicking them
you copy them in a funny way and in order to try to embarrass them
the comedian mimicking the way that the prime minister speaks
a doctor may give you a drug to mimic the effects of something that you are missing to act in the same way to have the same physiological effect
a disease could mimic another disease, it has all the same symptom and it could trick you into believing that it's something else
there are hoverfilies, this is a little type of fly, which mimics a wasp and as it mimics a wasp then many animal won't eat them because they think maybe it's a wasp
they've mimicked the wasp so well, they've copied it
they've reproduced it so well
Formality : 5