Impolitic : 현명하지 못한, 신중하지 못한, (사회적 상황에) 알맞지 않은, 실수적인, 부적합한, 어리석은
Impoliticly : 현명하게 못하게, 어리석게, 신중하지 못하게
it's if you are impolitic, you put your foot in it, you say the wrong thing at the wrong time, particulary in social situations
an impolitic action, an impolitic word, that is liable to cause offense or to cause probelms
if you are impolitic, you are being unwise and you are asking the wrong thing
you are asking something that is liable to upset people
it's something that well it doesn't help the situation, it just makes people rather angrily
if something is impolitic, it's inexpedient, it's unadvisable
it's wrong thing
it's politicly not very very smart
impolitic, not wise, ill-advised, indiscreet, injudicious
you are impolitic, you lack sensitivity in dealing with other people
this is failing to be sensitive
something that's ill-judged
it's not wise
it's not tactful
you put your foot right in it
it's not a good idea
it's not judiciuos
it's not smart thing to do
impoliticly, I asked him how much he earned, certainly in the UK you don't ask people how much they earn
if you are trying to talk to somebody about a sensitive issue, then you need to be take a politic approach, not an impolitic approach
if people are really upset about something or angry about something, it would be impoilitc to ask strong and rude questiosns about it
an impolitic question, a question that is not advisable
reporters when they interview somebody, that is the place where they are liable to ask impolitic question
it was impolitc of me to invest all my moeny in that scheme
I think the word impolitic, commonly it's for social situation
his behavior was rather impolitic, he started flirting with the boss's wife
the government's decision to implement this despite the people's reaction to it was very impolitic
Formality : 6 - 6.5