Helvetic : 스위스의, 스위스와 관련된
Hellenic : (고대 또는 현대)그리스의, 그리스와 관련된
Walloon : (남부 또는 동남부) 벨기에의, 벨기에와 관련된
if I said the following words which country would you associate with words
I will give you the andwers afterwards
the first one is Helvetic
you could use Helvetic as an adjective describing something that comes from a certain country
the second one would be Hellenic
if something is Hellenic, where would it comes from?
the third one is Walloon
if something was Walloon or Walloon origin, where it comes from as well?
if something is Helvetic, it comes from Switzerland
it's Swiss
you have the Helvetic Republic which was what the German, French and Italians are called Switzerland
Helvetic this come corm Switzerland
helvetian people,Helvetic from Switzerland
swiss cheese is a Helvetic product
the second one Hellenic, if something is Hellenic, it comes from Greece
olives are a Hellenic product
Hellenic relating to Greece
related to the art or the history of Greece
very often Hellenic is used to talk about ancient Greece
hellenistic as well
Greece officially is called the Hellenic Republic
the last one, is Walloon
a Walloon or something Walloon comes from the south of Belgium
the country of Belgium is actually splite into two parts, you have a French-speaking part and a Walloon speaking part
you have the Walloon language
wallonia is actually the south of Belgium
language Walloon is the lanugage related to Dutch and German
Walloon from southern or south eastern Belgium
maybe there are also adjacent parts of France that you could call Walloon as well