Repel : (공격 대상을)격퇴하다, 물리치다, 쫒아버리다, 접근하지 못하게하다, 역겨움을 느끼게하다, 혐오감을 느끼게하다
Repellent : 물리치는, 접근하지 못하게한는, (특히 물등이)스며들지 않게하는, 역겨운, 혐오감을 주는, 방충제, 방수제
to repel, to push something away
to force something away
we were attacked by the enemy but we repel the attact
to force something back
to stop it moving towards you
if you go somewhere with lots of mosquitoes, it's a good idea to take mosoquito repellent
a mosquuitoes repellent something that repels the mosquitoes
to push back
if you treat a surface with something organic then it will repel water, it will push back the water
this paint repels the water and stops the water being absorbed into it
to push back
to push out
oil repels water
similar electric charges repel each other away
if you've got two magnets and you try and push together the same magnetic fields, the magnets repel each other
to push away
to keep away
a good raincoat should reple the rain
to drive back
to force back
to repulse
to parry
this is designed to repel unwanted insects
oil repels water
magnetic poles can repel each other
to drive off
to repel, this repels me, it's disgusting
this is a repellent idea
the repellent smell of rotten fish
this is just disgusting, it repels me
if something is repellent, it puts you off
his bigoted attitude is just so repellent. it makes me feel that he is a disgusting person
a repellent smell
it literally pushes you back
your rudeness is repellent to everyone
his behavior repels me
I find his behavior repellent
it's distasteful
it's not very nice
something repels something
something is repellent to a person
it's sickening
it's nauseating
it's absolutely revolting
it just disgusts you
his unkempt and dirty appearance was rather repelling
notice, don't confuse this with rappel , means to go down a cliff face using a rope to abseil , completeely differnt
Foramlity : 6.5