Slick : 번지르르한, 매끄러운, 윤이나는, 광이나는, 빛나는, 능숙한, 능수능란한, (진실성은 없어보이면서) 구변이 좋은, 말을 번지르르하게 하는, (바다위로) 기름이 떠다니는 지역, (젖어서 또는 기름기때문에) 번들거리는 곳
Slick back : (머리를) 매끄럼게 뒤로 넘기다, (머리를 크림이나 물 등으로) 매끄럽게하다, 번지르르하게 매만지다
Slickness : 매끄러움, 번지르르함, 빛남
Slickly : 번지르르하게
Oil Slick : 수면에 유출된 기름, 수면에 떠다니는 기름막
slick, as an adjective
having a smooth surface
After the rain, be careful because the floor was very slick, it was very slippery and it was very smooth
if something is glossy and shiny, it looks slick
so you could slick back your hair with brill cream or something like that
chair was slick with his blood
the road surface was very slick and there were a lot of car accidents
the new car of yours looks very slcik
smooth and shiny
you look very slick in your new suit
your hair is slick, it's smooth back and brushed close to the head using brill cream or something like that
he has slick black hair, shiny glossy
you could say that advertising was slick, superficially it has appeal, superficially it's believable but manybe when you actullay look at it in deapth, the slickness is only the surface impression
a slick looking of new car
if you do something slickly, it can be positive as well, very clever, very skillful
with a slick movement, he kicked the ball into the goal
you did that very slickly
that's very slick solution to this
subtle, clever, nimble, good quality, well done
you can also use slcik means with this idea of looks good on the surface but in fact it's not sincere or honest
a slick salesman tried to talk me into doing this, the word he used were very good his patter was very slick but it wasn't very sincere
notice, slick can be both positive and negative
he is very slick at getting things done
he is very slick operator, skillfull and effective but maybe he lacks sincerity maybe not
a slick politicians has an answer for absolutely everything and anything
an oil slick, when do they spill oil or in the water in the sea you will see shiny pool covering the surface that all says together, that's an oil slick
whenever he cooks it seems like there is an oil slick on my plate
an oil slick on the surface of the water
Formality : 5 for slick meaming as slippery, smooth
Formality : 3.5 for to slick back your hair
Formality : 3.5 for a slick operator having means both efficient but only superficial
Formality : 5 for an oil slick