Give the Lie to something : ~은 ~이 거짓임을 보여준다, ~은 ~이 사실이 아님을 보여준다
Put the Lie to something
this means, it shows soemthing that somebody else has said or something that you've said is not ture
it reveals that it's not true
it proves that it's not ture
the evidence gave lie to his testimony, it showed that it wasn't true
his white face put put the lie to his claim that he was feeling okay
it showed , it reaveal
the situation in the country with people looking depressed and being worried about their jobs and worried about the economy put the lie to the prime minister's statement that everything was well
to refute to show that something is a lie
it puts the lie to
to contradict
what you've just said puts the lie to what you said earlier
to show that something is inaccurate
there are fewer jobs in the country puts the lie to the claims that the economy is growing
the increasing numbers of people suffering from the virus gives the lie to the government releases that the outbreak or the pandemic is under control
to discredit
to contradict
to expose
to rebut
to disprove
the way he behaved with these people gives the lie too his claims that he is a very outgoing and friendly person
it shows us that it's not true
effectively it gives the game away
it clearly shows that it's not true
his balck eye gave the lie to the fact that he had not been fighting
to belie, the evidence belies his claim, but notice, the word belie is much more formal
Formality : 5.5