Megalomania : 과대망상증, 과도한 권력욕
Megalomaniac : 과대망상증 환자
Megalomaniacal : 과대망상증적인
Megalmania, this is a mental illness
this is delusion, clearly talking about some sort of narcissistic character
it's an obssession for power and wealth and a paasion for enormous schemes
it's one of the things that drove them to pursue their goal of rulling the world, I guess
it's some sort of narcissistic personality disorder
if you know one who seems to be a megalomaniac, I would strongly recommend you steer clear of them
Megalomaniac is a person who desires power and control above all else
they think they are much more important and much more powerful than they really are
they accused me of being a megalomaniac
megalomaniac, somebody who has an obsessive desire for power
they suffer from delusions of their own importance
they have characteristics of megalomania
they want to be to look grandiose and great and important
they feel omnipontent
they feel they are essential and the world can't get by without them they are able to solve any problem
they feel they are indestructible and they are manipulative, they manipulate people to get a feeling of power
they don't admit their mistakes, these people who never say sorry
they are narcissists, they are only worried about what is good for them, they have this ideal image of themselves and they
are also very sensitive to other people's reactions
they are also very vain as well
the major point is they have this obsession to become extravagant, to become powerful, to become wealthy
stop thinking like a megalomaniac and come down to earth
stop believing that you are much more important than you really are
stop thinking that the sun shines out of your backside
they are conceited
they are self-important
they have delusions of grandeur
Formality : 5
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