Scalp : 두피, 머릿가죽(과거 아메리카 원주민들이 승리의 징표로 챙기던 것), (승리의 표시로 적의) 머릿가죽을 벗기다, 암표를 팔다, 암표상, (주식거래) 단타를 치다, 단타치기, (머리를 짧게 자른 상대에게 유머러스하게) 머리가죽 벗겨진거 같아!
the scalp is the skin on the top of your head where the hair grows well
you have shampoo for an oily scalp or a dry scalp
my scalp is very itchy
Formality : 5
Indians scalp the people that they kill, they cut off the scalp, to scalp that's quite violent and hence from that the scalps are a trophy
we use that metaphorically to mean a trophy or a good win
beating last year's winners of the competition was a real scalp for my team
in an election, some important scalps were taken by the opposiition in the elction
scalps that ar prizes
a vitory at the expense of sombody else
this victory was a real scalp for me
Formality : 3
a scalp, to scalp
a ticket tout, it's a person who buys and sells tickets usually you will see them outside the theater or nowaadays many of the touts are in Internet and they buy and sell tickets
a scalp, to scalp to buy and sell ticket, they buy at usual price and sell them at much higher prices
a ticket scalp, a ticket scalping
to scalp ticket
Formality : 4.5
you can also use to scalp in tranding in stock market trading
which means to buy and sell rapidly just making very small profits as well
that's probably more technical
Formality : 3.5
you could use this humorously to say somebody has had their hair cut short
I have had my beard cut short, you could say it looks like you've been scalped
Formality : 3.5